Apr 17

Hackathon Summer 2018


Hackathons at Rally are held every quarter. Every employee gets the chance to hack for 1 week. There are only 2 rules: work on something you’re passionate about and demo what you did at the end.

Problem Statement:

Handoffs between disciplines in an agile value stream is really hard. A lot of context is lost and its hard to know what others are working on.

Whiteboard session with the team to collaborate and hone in on the idea.

We created a concept called Boardception. The premise is nested boards to track work at different hierarchies and linked boards for handoffs. In other words: an organization could have a portfolio Kanban board with work items like features or epics and that work could be drilled into to see the work at a granular level in user stories; each discipline can have their own board and link it to other relevant disciplines.

What I did:

Identified a challenge or problem a lot of our users have.
Came up with the initial idea/solution to the problem.
Recruited the team.
Organized the team: standups, check ins, helped with blockers
Created the designs and UI for the concept
Helped the engineers with the implementation of designs.
Wrote a storyboard for our demo video
Shot and edited the video.


We won first place!